Somewhere In The Middle With Michele Barard

Somewhere in the Middle ENCORE PRESENTATION with special guest Dr. Kiva Davis



Somewhere in the Middle welcomes Chiropractor & Yoga Instructor Dr. Kiva Davis - ENCORE PRESENTATION Dr. Kiva L. Davis, DC is a licensed Chiropractor, with a strong background in Anatomy and Kinesiology, and is a registered Yoga Alliance E-RYT® 200, YACEP® teacher. Dr. Kiva’s approach to anatomy and yoga is lighthearted and passionate. She has practiced Yoga for more than ten years. Her introduction to Holistic health was in 2003 when she received a certification in Reflexology. She became interested in Yoga after taking a class at a local gym in the late ’90s. Her desire to deepen her understanding of the practice resulted in her obtaining certification to teach from Yoga Lotus in 2007. She completed more than 700 educational hours in Hatha Yoga at Yoga Lotus, Kemetic Yoga, and Rocket Yoga. Dr. Kiva considers herself the "happy" yoga teacher and is known for her engaging style and ability to share concepts in a clear and accessible way. As her students move through asanas, she wants them to experience