Going Linux

Going Linux #343 · HiDPI Auto-detection in Ubuntu MATE



Support for high-resolution computer displays (HiDPI or 4K displays) is still being perfected. Not all Linux distributions provide settings that behave well in high-resolution mode -- and most are somewhat clunky. With the 18.04 release, the Ubuntu MATE team is releasing a utility for the MATE desktop that automatically can detect your 4K display and set the appropriate screen scaling for you. Episode 343 Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #343 · HiDPI Auto-detection in Ubuntu MATE 00:15 Introduction 00:50 Alone again, naturally. 01:52 Adjusting for 4K on Linux 02:54 High-resolution scaling limitations 04:15 The best HiDPI Linux Desktops (until now) 04:40 Ubuntu MATE's auto-detection and auto-adjust settings 05:26 Choosing a HiDPI resolution 06:56 Adjusting Ubuntu MATE's new HiDPI settings 08:32 Hope for the future of high-resolution support on Linux 09:01 goinglinux.com, goinglinux@gmail.com, +1-904-468-7889, @g