Going Linux

Going Linux #303 · Hacked!



Did you know that Charles Tendell has his own radio show? Yep. He's on 1690 AM, KDMT Denver's Money Talk. And I was a guest on his show in June. Yep. I'm back on live radio! You can subscribe to his podcast at https://thecharlestendellshow.com/. Yep. He has one of those, too! Episode 303 Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #303 · Hacked! 00:15 Introduction 02:39 Welcome to the Charles Tendell Show 04:16 Who is Larry Bushey? 05:44 What is Linux? 07:02 Where do you find Linux? 07:43 Linux is more secure. 09:53 It's not as terrifying as you think 11:27 Which Linux is right for you? 14:24 Why would I do more work to install Linux 16:45 Does it work with my software 19:17 How easy is it to switch? 19:45 Installing Linux 26:08 How did Linux get its name? 28:03 Will it make my computer better? 31:55 The reasons for switching to Linux 33:10 The government is the problem 35:55 Why is the government still running on floppy-based and green screen computers? 37:29