The Garyvee Audio Experience

Unlocking the Relationship Between Parents and Kids w. Educator and Businesswoman, Janice Bryant Howroyd



Parents, this is a great episode  with a different vibe than you might be used to and I think you're going to LOVE it! Thought leader and educator Janice Bryant Howroyd stops by to talk about admiration for our parents, how adversity shaped her and details and insights from her life\. Parents and kids, take some ideas here and tweet me @garyvee with what you thought about today's episode.   TIMESTAMPS: 1:00 Intros 4:40 It’s All Context 9:40 Admiration for Parents 11:00 What’s your story? 15:10 Osmosis and Living It 16:30 It’s Your Attitude, not Your Aptitude 17:20 Don’t Make it About Yourself 18:20 Adversity leads to success 20:30 Parent Teacher Conference