The Garyvee Audio Experience

The One Misconception Around Hustle



What's up podcast listeners happy Friday :). Today's episode is a new interview I did in Australia, a lot of fire in here, if anything stands out tweet me @garyvee so my team knows!! Also make sure you listen till the end specifically the last 6 minutes, for my honest input on a few business ideas I was pitched. Keep an eye out for the video version of that segment ;) Timestamps: 6 - My primary message is happiness   7:45 - We have to define our own success   11:35 - You have to look in the eyes of the messenger   15:15 - Flexing your wealth in front of 8 people is the same thing as flexing in front of 8 million people   17:25 - The market is my mentor   21 - My honest input on a few business ideas