The Garyvee Audio Experience

Working with Clients, Avoiding the Middle, & Scooter Braun Asks a Question



#QOTD: How much do you hate DRock?The middle is the commoditized work that everybody does. What I mean by this is that everybody winds up doing what the market calls for. They're focusing on what's popular in the moment and not focusing on where the market's going. I can't tell you how many times I get pitched by startups doing the same thing everyone else is doing and singing the same old song. What I want to hear about are those that are in the trenches doing the hard work - the nitty gritty; Those that are going above and beyond and breaking traditional thinking."The middle" is what we're surrounded by 99.9% of the time. It's the sh*t everybody focuses their energy on all the while ignoring what really matters - the clouds and dirt, as I like to call it. You've got to dive into the trenches and get into the weeds. BE A PRACTITIONER. At the rawest of levels you need to be executing. You need to be focusing on the stuff that nobody wants to bother with. Why? Because that's the hard part. And that's what matt