Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Sell Out Your Coaching Programs with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Alright coaches, I’m talking right to you today! I know you want to be the coach that actually creates transformation for your clients - and I want to help you get there. Here’s the deal: There are so many well-meaning coaches out there, who are coaching with strategies that only lead to temporary shifts in thinking or behavior.  We don’t want to just make our clients feel good in the moment - we want to set them up for massive success and growth in the long run, right?! The key is knowing the difference between source-based coaching and symptom-based coaching.  Symptom-based coaching will address specific things that a client may be feeling in the moment, but it doesn’t address long-term solutions. Source-based coaching is a brain-based methodology, not based on will power but on neuroscience, to rewire the brain towards success.  As coaches, we really have to get to the source, not just the symptom. This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk about symptom-based coaching versus source-based coaching and t