Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Rise: a Call for Resilience with Dr Shannon Irvine



Everything seems upside down, unsure, and honestly a bit scary. The coronavirus has taken our “normal" away and I’ve been right there with you. If you are spinning  with fear, I want to help choose what you think and control the uncontrollable. Right now, you are creating your future with your thoughts. Think about this: so many of the entrepreneurs we look up to right now started from the time of H1N1 and the previous market crash. The most uncertain of times - and they chose to RISE. In today’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I share three things you can do today to bulletproof your future. I am so impassioned to help you rise with resilience, uplevel during uncertainty, and become the creator of your thoughts and future now! Rise. Pivot. Start. Let this be the time when you choose to kill the ANTS (Automated Negative Thoughts) even when things are not in your control. Let’s dive in. The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “Resilience is not not having the fear.”   It’s natural that you ha