

Your money story that you’ve had from the past is the foot on the brake. It doesn’t take a brain scientist to know that, when you have big goals, using the brake is not helpful. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between things actually happening in your environment and recreating that desired effect in your mind over and over again with words and pictures. We call that brain priming. You are going to hear a lot about that and it’s powerful use in the mind-matrix process I walk all my students through in my Epic Success Academy. If you’re ready to ditch your past money story but may be unsure it’s actually possible for you to develop a 7-figure mindset, today I’m going to show you why this is absolutely possible for you! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   You can actually show your brain exactly what it is you want it to bring to you and allow it to help bring those things to you.   This is really a conversation about stepping into the identity of the person you want to be now and starti