Changing Denver

Phil on the Flu (1918 and 2020)



Changing Denver's favorite local historian returns. This is Phil Goodstein in conversation about the 1918 flu, how it affected Denver and how it could provide a roadmap for our future.  Phil and I didn't talk about this, but I know he normally makes money giving walking tours around the city. I doubt those are very popular right now, so I'd like to remind you that Phil has many books about Denver's history available for purchase on the internet, including the websites of your favorite local booksellers. I recommend Denver from the Bottom Up: Robert Speer's Denver or his new one, which is part one of a new series about the history of Denver Public Schools.  If you like Changing Denver and you haven't heard my latest piece about Land Acknowledgements and Arapaho chief Left Hand, I think you'd probably like it. It's on the Range and Slope feed or right here if you prefer to listen in a browser.  Also, if for whatever reason you're feeling alone and deprived of meaningful connection with other people, we're start