Changing Denver

Unclear Danger 2: Local Hazard, Global Threat



Our story of Rocky Flats continues. In this second chapter, we share the people’s history of the site, from humble beginnings in the early 1970s to a resurgence of activism today. Unclear Danger: The Colorado Story of Rocky Flats is presented in partnership with the Colorado Independent and the Denver Public Library. — Support the show! If you’re loving this Rocky Flats series, we recently launched a new way to support the show. It’s a limited run crowdfunding campaign, and you can find it at Pledge at least $3 per month and you get access to the transcripts from each episode of Unclear Danger and 3 Changing Denver stickers sent to the address of your choice. Pledge at least $10 per month, and we’ll read your name (or a pseudonym of your choice) in the credits to each episode. patreon dot com slash changing denver — Recommended Reading: You can learn more about Kristen Iversen’s book Full Body Burden at her website. Follow along with the activists at Rocky Flats Downwinders, C