Changing Denver

CDBBB: Dispatch from Jane's World



In this installment of Changing Denver Bit By Bit, Paul offers a personal report on his experience at a fancy cannabis pairing dinner put on by Mason Jar Events Group. In some ways, Mason Jar is following in the footsteps of Jane West, the subject of last week’s episode. It’s a woman-led company on the vanguard of public consumption, and they are constantly trying out new ways to normalize and maximize the experience of getting high. - Former Cannabist editor Ricardo Baca, who you heard on last week’s episode about Jane West, interviewed Mason Jar’s founder Kendal Norris back in January. Check it out here for a very different perspective on these events. - Our theme song is "Minnow" by Felix Fast4ward. - You can find us on Twitter @ChangingDenver and sign up for our newsletter at  Thanks for listening!