Ace Weekly

FOMO & Making Better Decisions in 2021 with Patrick McGinnis - ACEWEEKLY073



FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) -  can be one of the most crippling feelings, especially for young people in 2020. EVERYONE feels FOMO. In the day & age of social media, the "fear of missing out" hits us from all sides. Often times it’s not even about missing out, it’s about having the perception that there’s something better out there than what we’re currently doing. We have no idea if it lines up with reality, but it still drives us crazy! FOMO can also just be the feeling of being left out. Everyone feels it, and it’s impossible to get rid of, so we must learn to control it.   Patrick McGinnis coined the term “FOMO” back in 2004 while at the Harvard Business School. He’s an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and host of the podcast “FOMOsapiens” who specializes  in this realm of fear that affects us everyday. This week, Patrick joins ACE Weekly to talk about how we can handle that fear, and how flexibility through chaotic times can keep us sane. We all suffer from FOMO... tune in this week to learn how you can