Ace Weekly

Do You Know What It Means To Be Free? 5 Keys To Increasing Your Personal Freedom - ACEWEEKLY066



Do you know what it means to be FREE? We live in a time of uncertainty... AND during this time, our FREEDOM has never been more at stake. All the time, people ask me how I have so much motivation, drive, and energy to get up and hustle day-in and day-out. The reality is that I am not motivated. I’m inspired knowing that I have the freedom to be able to put in that work. I might not be excited to work out every morning or take 50 back-to-back calls on some days, but I’m inspired to do it. I’m tapped in and connected to a bigger vision.  As long as you're living in FEAR you are not FREE. America is filled with slaves. We are slaves to our thoughts, desires, cell phones, social media, finances and quite frankly anything else we don't have control over in our lives. If you're not directing it... it's directing you. But what does it truly mean to be free? And what are the implications that this has on your own life? The answers to these questions and five things you can do right now to increase your personal fr