Ace Weekly

PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN: Why Most People Never See The Results They Want - ACEWEEKLY13



Do you ever have those days where you feel like everything that can possibly go wrong is going wrong? Ever feel like you’re getting your teeth kicked in at every turn? Everyone experiences this.   The difference between top performers and average people is the mental game used to handle these days, or even weeks full of adversity. When this happens, most people quit too early. Most people never experience the good because they can’t handle the pain.   This week, Andrew records solo as he shares his experience and perspective on facing constant pain and rejection. Nobody remembers the success story that was rainbows and butterflies all the way through. Pain, adversity, and rejection are prerequisites for your journey through success.   Subscribe to the show   Connect with us! @AndrewEvansOfficial   00:19- Introduction to today’s show 02:40- Request for today’s show 04:40- When times are tough and you’re in a rut  06:00- Questioning whether you have what it takes 08:30- Success lies on