Simple As Fat. Freedom From Obesity And Type 2 Diabetes.

Punched in the face by Tyson Fury.



Like being punched in the face by Tyson Fury is how Jon Gaunt describes being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. He says it sent him into a panic and felt like a death sentence but he now knows that there are 3 ways to reverse Type 2 Diabetes and take back control of your life. The 3 methods are: Bariatric Surgery, A drastic 800-calorie milkshake regime or eating a Low Carb High Fat diet (LCHF). But Jon was not told any of this after that frightening moment 15 years ago when he was diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic. He states that the food guidelines he was given, including the so called Eatwell plate were wrong. They just made him fatter and fatter. The advice to eat a third of your plate as starchy carbs is bonkers in Gaunty’s view. He also says that the ever-increasing amounts of drugs that were dished out just increased his weight too. Jon ended up on ten tablets a day and was just weeks away from having to go on insulin. He was already on Metformin, Gliclazide, Perindopril blood pressure tablets and a load mor