
Getting Radically Selfish with Michelle Keinan



Michelle Keinan of Radically Selfish knows what she wants and she always gets it. Since that’s not the case for most of us, Michelle is here to help us get super clear about what we want in a way that feels good without stress or guilt. This isn’t about other people, it’s about having high standards and boundaries that honor ourselves. That’s how we’re going to best serve the collective. SHOW NOTES web: radicallyselfish.com / citywellnesscollective.com insta: @radicallyselfish / @citywellnesscollective Do You mastermind: radicallyselfish.com/workwithme/do-you/ Michelle created an exclusive I Wantra practice for Healers members, to help you get clear on what you want and bring it into your life. Join us at healerswanted.com to access the video and all of our virtual healing content.