Life. Unrestricted. Podcast: Boost Your Body Image And Recover From Food & Exercise Madness.

LU 010: Summer Innanen – Smash the scale and start living your life unapologetically



Download Episode! In this episode of the "Life Unrestricted" podcast, you are going to meet one of my favorite ladies in the world of body positivity and body image: It's Summer Innanen from Vancouver, whose podcast has literally changed my life. In my opinion, every woman can use a good dose of Summer in her life! She works as a Body Image Coach who has her own past with diets, restriction, body insecurity and exercise addiction, and she now helps women to stop living behind the number on their scales, to ditch the diet demons for good and to develop real inner confidence. Today, and only on the "Life Unrestricted" podcast, she's letting us know some things about herself that she hasn't shared anywhere else before. So listen in and learn: – How being  body-shamed, bullied and being surrounded by diet-talk and an ever-dieting mother contributed to her slipping into a very obsessive mindset – What she was trying to achieve by "becoming thinner" and why so many of us fall into this trap – Why she never realiz