Life. Unrestricted. Podcast: Boost Your Body Image And Recover From Food & Exercise Madness.

LU 001: Me, solo – How Brené Brown helped me kickstart this show.



Download Episode! That’s it! Here it is: The Life. Unrestricted. Podcast! The show that might just make you feel better about yourself, your body and your worth beyond your jeans size. So before you start the next diet to „finally lose that weight“, stop right there and listen in. Let me ask you: When is enough enough? Aren’t you tired of hating your body, tired of counting calories, tired of making your scale decide whether you get to feel good today or (more likely) not? Aren’t you tired of feeling guilty for eating what you like, tired of exercising obsessively to get rid of that guilt? Aren't yo tired of the negative self-talk-chatter in your head? Aren’t we all? So. Welcome home. Welcome to the Life. Unrestricted. Podcast. Let me take you on a different journey.   As I recover from excess dieting, disordered eating, from exercise addiction, and – generally – an awful body image, I want to share what I learn, share my struggles and, most of all, I want to bring you the very best experts and the most i