Evil Clones Podcast

Evil Clones Podcast - Roman Empire (2018)/Cleopatra (1963)



This episode we look at two contrasting angles of the legendary Caesar and Cleopatra. The docu-drama series 'Roman Empire' returns with another season, this time showing the highlights Julius Caesar. But the main event takes us back to 1963 where the Hollywood was taken over by Joseph L. Mankiewicz' super-size version of Cleopatra starring Elizabeth Taylor. We look at the first half of that film and see how it overlaps with the newer, less bombastic Netflix version. Next week we cover the other half of the Cleopatra movie, along with the exhaustive documentary about the film's making (and near unmaking), "Cleopatra: The Film that Changed Hollywood." Welcome back to the History Box Binge, where Kevin & Doug take a tour through the centuries with the help of the best historical dramas on TV.