Ltb Podcast

LTBP #17 - Lisa Gimenez-Codd Interview: Pre/Post Natal, The Pelvic Floor & Menopause



In this interview, we speak to Lisa Gimenez-Codd from Optimum Health. We chat about: 3.20 - How has Lisa niched down into working with the population she works with? 7.00 - How and who has Lisa learned from to improve her knowledge on all these topics? 8.30 - Why is getting more info out there on these topics so important? 11.00 - Should we as PT’s refer on pre/ post natal clients? 14.30 - Lisa’s thoughts on “getting your pre-baby body back” 17.00 - What do we have to consider with a client who tells us they are pregnant? 23.00 - Should we encourage clients to exercise all the way up to having their baby? 24.00 - Burpee’s during pregnancy? 26.50 - Post-natal considerations 29.40 - Drills to improve breathing 32.00 - The pelvic floor 37.00 - How can you train the pelvic floor 40.00 - Female client's needing to pee during sessions that contain movement or impact exercises 42.00 - Menopause-what do we need to know? 46.00 - Recommended resources 48.20 - Thoughts on body image