Breaking Bread Podcast

Parent & Child Attachment Part 2



The best way to be helpful to an unattached child is to direct them back to their parents.  In this episode of Breaking Bread Craig Stickling answers some direct questions regarding attachment disorder.  His answers are both practical and hopeful. Critical content contained in this episode: Question: How can the believing community be helpful with the unattached child? Answer: Always direct the unattached child back to their parents. Question: Is unattachment unique only to non-biological children such as foster children and adoptive children? Answer: No. Biological children can undergo attachment trauma in the early months of life also. Question: Will early attachment trauma always result in attachment disorder with our children? Answer: No. Each child is unique. Temperaments play a part. Some children are more disposed to connection and relationship. Question: Is there hope for the unattached child to become attached? Answer: Yes. While healing takes time, positive momentum and difference can be see