Love Your Bodcast: Diet, Exercise, And Mindset Are Only Part Of Your Healthy Lifestyle.

031: Peaceful body; what is it and why does it matter? A conversation with Kara Silva about body image, confidence, and self-love.



What is a Peaceful Body?  A peaceful body loves to be nourished, moved, appreciated.  It is beautifully human, whole, worthy and confident.  It aims to create a quiet, beautiful space inside while giving less attention to the opinions and noise of the outside world.  A peaceful body feels like home. The Peaceful Body Project is your door to a new way of life.  One that's free of tracking points, grams, and pounds.  One that's free of excessive exercise to "work off" the times you can't stick to a plan.  One that's free of the mental games and shame around food, exercise, and your body. What does that freedom look and feel like?  Peace in your heart, mind, and body.  More time for joy.  More space for play.  Permission to experiment, make mistakes, and move forward.  Feeling awake and alive.  Taking a deep breath and knowing you are in a great place in your life.  Today.  Not 10 pounds from now. Go here to learn more about the Peaceful Body Project or to have a workshop in YOUR town!