Love Your Bodcast: Diet, Exercise, And Mindset Are Only Part Of Your Healthy Lifestyle.

019: The guilt of feeling good: It's common, but is it normal?



The better we feel, the more we feel the guilt creeping in.  Isn't that backwards?   When was the last time you had a string of great events in your life?  Maybe things were going well at work, or perhaps you accomplished a lot in a short window of time.  Did you wonder when it would end?  Were you waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak?  Were you guarded, thinking that it was just too good to be true?    Think about the last time someone complimented you on your outfit or told you that you looked great.  How did you respond?  Did you confess that you had found your shoes on sale, so they cost next to nothing?  Did you brush off any pounds you had lost as “no big deal?”   If you ever feel guilty when you feel good, then this episode is for you.   More about Fit Mom Revolution:   Join our closed Facebook group for safe discussions about body image Read more on our site Visit our Facebook fan page   Love this podcast?  Please leave a review and share with friends!