Love Your Bodcast: Diet, Exercise, And Mindset Are Only Part Of Your Healthy Lifestyle.

017: Shop for diets like you shop for shoes: make sure they FIT!



Buying shoes and eating well are a LOT alike.  We’ve all heard the phrase, “One size does NOT fit all,” and we’ve all started to realize that what works for our neighbor won’t work for ourselves.  But it’s more than just that.  The social side, the mental side, and the secret side never get discussed.  It’s time to shop for meal plans and coaches the way we do for shoes.  Learn the top 3 ways to navigate the world of diet plans and coaches and how to find what fits best on YOU! More about Fit Mom Revolution: Join our closed Facebook group for safe discussions about body image Read more on our site Visit our Facebook fan page   Love this podcast?  Please leave a review and share with friends!