Love Your Bodcast: Diet, Exercise, And Mindset Are Only Part Of Your Healthy Lifestyle.

What is the Love Your BODcast and how can it help you?



After 15 years of yo-yo dieting, I was finally able to shed my 70 pounds of excess weight.  But I still didn't love my body.  I felt betrayed.  It no longer resembled the body I remember at that weight in my teen years.  Instead, my body reflected the babies it had carried and the lessons I had learned over time.  It was hard to understand.  It was hard to love my new body. Thankfully, after years of feeling like I was in a battle with my body, I was able to quiet the war.  My goal is to help you feel at home in your body.  I want to teach you what it's like to love where you are right now, not ten pounds from now. The Love Your BODcast is about continuing the conversation that we shy away from:  taking care of and loving ourselves.  We are growing a community of women who are all learning this together and supporting each other along the way.  Come join us! You can learn more about the Love Your Body Challenge here: You can join our daily conversations on Faceb