Discipleship In Luke

Sermon on Plain pt2 (#14)



This is a review of the sermon on the plain from Luke 6.17-49 … but our focus in this lesson is on the disciple’s view of scripture.  The steps are these:   Review the “chunk” of text, and then break it down into mini-chunks, being sure to keep it in context, to know who Jesus is talking to, who he is talking in front of, and what he’s trying to accomplish.  Pay special attention not only to what Jesus is saying, but also how he’s saying it.     Then review the same text, and this time look at Luke’s layer.  Why did Luke choose this particular lesson, and why did he put it in this place in the gospel?  These are the sample kinds of questions you should learn to ask.     Now go over the text yet again … this time hopefully with others who also want to be disciples of Jesus … and challenge yourselves to see if you’re doing what Jesus teaches.  Learn to take these lessons personally and apply them to your life when your life matches his circumstances.   Now again, go over the same section of text.  This time s