Discipleship In Luke

Kingdom & Jesus’ Beginning (Lesson # 7)



 In discipleship overview, I explain what it means to “seek first the Kingdom.”  Seeking the kingdom is about 2 things: expanding it & strengthening it.  When you meet a person, seek to understand that person from God’s perspective.  If the person is a born-again, committed disciple of Jesus, then your job is to encourage, motivate, equip and spur this person on to love and good deeds.  If the person isn’t a disciple, you’re job is to make them a disciple and help them then to enter the kingdom via the rebirth: baptism.  If the person is hurting, broken, struggling, then your job is to help them recover.  With this in mind, all people in the world fit into one of these three categories: 1.      they’re outside the kingdom (needing in), or 2.      inside the kingdom (needing strength) or 3.      wounded; both in and out of the kingdom (needing healing) And God has put YOU into their life to help.  That’s why YOU exist (Ephesians 2.10)   We also spent a short time discussing one of God’s great gifts to