

If you are deeply committed to up-leveling yourself in any way…you will mess up, fall down and fail often and much. Sorry, my friend…it will not be a paved, leisurely track all the way to your goals. Does that mean all of your progress goes out the window and you should quit when you make a mistake? Absolutely NOT! And, yet…so many women do. Which just perpetuates the madness of our diet culture. In this week’s podcast, we talk about reframing failure so you can stay consistent with your efforts and crush your goals! Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Notes: 4:30: The two secret ingredients to ANY success. 6:30: Why you shouldn’t put so much stock in how you feel moment to moment. 10:30: How taking consistent action can change how you “feel” about things you don’t like doing. 13:45: Accepting that failure is inevitable if you are living life with an ounce of boldness. 19:20: The reality of when transformation