Graduate Job Podcast

#107: Nine job interview mistakes to avoid



A big hello to episode 107 of the UK’s number 1 career podcast. And today we explore the topic of interviews, and specifically the small mistakes that people make in a job interview that can have big and bad consequences, as I chat with author Anne Baum. We delve into Anne’s new book and explore how you can make a great impression in a face to face interview. We explore 9 different key mistakes that candidates tend to make, so you can ensure that you aren’t making them. The face-to-face interview stage is the crucial part of the process, slip up here and you won’t be getting the graduate job, so this is an episode that you won’t want to miss! As always, you can find a full transcript and all the links from today in the show notes at MORE SPECIFICALLY IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN ABOUT: Why it is so important to perform well in an interview 9 key mistakes to avoid to ensure that you aren’t rejected Why being overconfident about your achievements is not the recipe for succes