Large Marge Sent Us

273. Loverboy



1989's Loverboy is another vehicle for 80s era Patrick Dempsey, who is gangly AF as  Randy, a 20 year old college student desperate to earn money for his college tuition once his dad shuts down the money train after his grades tank.  Randy gets a job at Senor Pizza delivering pizzas and eventually orgasms once he stumbles upon the idea of selling his body and time to the lonely married women of the LA area desperate for companionship since all their husbands are big time losers. Believe it or not, this movie about male prostitution is kind of sweet and silly and the 80s LA vibe is really fun to watch.  We'll talk about the acting career of Patrick Dempsey - from geek to McDreamy, what the point of a negligee is, and randomly talk about the rebranding of the brussel sprout from gross veg to the side dish of the decade! This podcast ain't just about movies, folks!