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271. The Outsiders



1983's The Outsiders is Francis Ford Coppola's film adaptation of the young adult classic by S.E. Hinton and despite an ensemble cast of 80s heartthrobs, The Sweeties had never seen it! Starring nearly every famous movie star guy 20 and under (okay sorry Pat Swayze was 29, old fogie!), The Outsiders delves into the white class divide in 1950s Oklahoma and what's it's like to have to grow up too fast because you're poor AND if you're Dad thought it would be fun to name you Ponyboy. Tough break kid, tough break. Fun fact there are actually two versions of this movie floating around - the original from 1983 and then the updated "novel" version in which Francis Ford Coppola was bullied by his granddaughter to reinstate many scenes cut from the original and that were integral to the book version.  We talk about both movies but also try to unravel the paradox of tough guys who like wrestle each other and cry a lot, whether Ponyboy looks better as a blonde or brunette, and how Tom Cruise's Steve is the most annoying