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270. Freaky Friday (2003 version)



So we're back from our "maternity leave", Sweetie Jr. is here and we're ready to switch over to mother-daughter movies! Jk - but we did cover Freaky Friday, the 2003 version with Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan! We were quite enamored with this movie when it came out - LL was all the rage, the soundtrack was full of bangers, and we had a crush on Chad Michael Murray. Actually, no thanks to those greasy, parted in the center locks thank you very much! We'll talk about our history covering body swap movies - do yourself a favor and watch Vice Versa immediately, ponder why there is always some mystic Eastern magic involved which seems pretty darn racist, and reminisce about the days when Lindsay Lohan had a singing career with that pretty wretched song Rumors.