Large Marge Sent Us

251. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure



We finally caved to Sweeti Jimi's wishes and watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, one of his favorite movies but one the Sweeties have never seen! I think we can all do a pretty good gnarly dude, Bill and Ted impression, but who knew this movie was about time travel and the importance of a world history survey class! We were pleasantly surprised how cute this movie was, though pretty absurd.  We'll talk about how we continue to fall more in love with Keanu every day, what historical figures would we squish into a phone book and take to the local mall, and what was the deal with those urban legends about getting sucked into escalators if you weren't careful when you were a kid?!! Also, Sweeti Jimi gets a cameo in this episode as he tells us why he loved Bill and Ted's so much and does he still love it today.