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247. Follow that Bird



1985 brought us Sesame Street's first foray into the movie scene with Follow that Bird, a cautionary tale about the dangers of segregation and why the diversity always practiced on Sesame Street is the only way to go! Starring Big Bird and the love-able cast of muppets from Sesame Street, their human friends, and then some random movie stars like Chevy Chase and John Candy thrown in there! Sweetie used to watch this at her friend's house when she was six year olds and the mean bird lady Miss Finch scared her to bits! We'll talk about who are favorite resident of Sesame Street is and that we're confused that Big Bird is actually supposed to be a child aged bird, what we think it would be like to work on a children's show, and why you should never, ever show muppet legs if you can help it. Spooky man, spooky.