Large Marge Sent Us

242. Nothing But Trouble



From 1991, Nothing but Trouble is a Dan Ackroyd written, directed and starred in movie that is nothing but a big old creepy mess! Winner of several Razzies and probably one of Roger Ebert's worst reviews, the movie stars Chevy Chase, Demi Moore, and John Candy and features yuppies getting pulled over in a podunk town on their way to Atlantic City, only to be taken to the local justice of the peace to be arraigned for their crimes. Chaos ensues because the justice of the peace is some weird dude with giant babies who wear diapers as his grandkids and also has this weird pseudo horror house that they must escape from.  This movie is a little bit comedy, a little bit horror movie but not enough of either of those to make a successful film.  It's also one we don't recommend watching while you're eating because yeah it's gross. We'll talk about where good ole Danny boy went wrong with this one, early 90s GPS systems and our thoughts on the fruit punch concoction Hawaiian Punch!