Large Marge Sent Us

230. Psycho



This week is Sweety's Birthday week! Happy 34th Sweety! We did one of her favorite movies for this week's spooky pic - Psycho! From 1960, we saw this Alfred Hitchcock masterpiece for the first time on one of our family vacations to Universal Studios, Florida. We had seen the Alfred Hitchcock experience and a live reenactment of the infamous shower scene, and then Dad proceeded to show us the film immediately after. We were wow'd by this classic horror movie and it really sunk it's claws into Sweety as she went on to love Hitchcock and the horror genre in general. We'll chat about all the fascinating trivia surrounding this film (first flushing toilet on screen whaaaaat), pointy cone bras, and we'll quiz Sweety on her expert Psycho knowledge.