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227. Showgirls



That's right everyone, an NC-17 movie made the cut in terms of movies that have shaped our childhood! Showgirls, from 1995, starring Elizabeth Berkley, Gina Gershon, and Kyle MacLachlan is a steaming bowl of tits soup and was the naughty, I shouldn't see it but I want to see it movie of the 90s! Elizabeth Berkley, a few years out from her Jesse Spano days, plays Nomi Malone, a rough around the edges, potentially bi-polar dancer who is trying her luck in Vegas. She gets into a showgirls type show at the Stardust casino, and will do whatever it takes to win the top spot.  Showgirls is famous for winning the most Razzies of any film, and it's pretty well deserved, but it doesn't mean this movie isn't really fun to watch and hey, the choreography albeit with boobs flying everywhere is actually not half bad.  We'll talk about why we think this movie tanked so bad, who else maybe could have played Nomi Malone, and try to figure out why Elizabeth Berkley has sex like a wounded dying fish!