Large Marge Sent Us

225. Cocoon



We did it! We finally watched Cocoon! It's been a labor of love to try to cover this movie (as you can't stream it anywhere and the only copies available to buy are either $200 or come from a foreign land), but we did it for you guys by buying a copy from the UK and then a DVD that would play it! You're welcome! From 1985 and directed by Ron Howard, Cocoon follows a trio of old timers living in a retirement community who stumble upon on some alien cocoons being housed in a pool they love to trespass in.  The movie is a lot deeper than we imagined it would be, as it delves into talking about loss of life, but also loss of your youth and will to live as you become an older person.  With a tremendous cast and the return of our favorite 80s movie addition, Steve Guttenberg, we loved the take on aliens in this one.  We talk about whether or not we'd have sex with an alien, would we take the Cocoon live forever in a foreign galaxy deal, and we'll play our own version of the Wilfred Brimley line as I make Sweety gue