Large Marge Sent Us

203. Blank Check



From 1994, Blank Check is essentially a rip off of Home Alone but way less fun! Preston Waters is sick of his penny pinching parents and rude siblings and thinks money will buy him happiness and freedom to get the life that he wants.  When a guy runs over his bike and gives him a blank check to buy himself a new one, Preston takes it upon himself to fill it out to CASH and give himself a million dollars! All his problems are solved! Or are they?? This movie is helllla whack, from it's totally unrealistic plot -  that an 11 year old would be able to buy a house and rent a limo with a driver for a week to the inconceivable romance story line they cooked up between Shay Stanley, FBI agent undercover slash bank teller and Preston. For the love of Pete! We'll talk about when we first realized money was a concept and that we should earn some for ourselves, what we would buy with a million dollars when we were kids (hint hint Littlest Pet Shops, that's who!), and the crazy double standard that exists where its accep