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202. The Indian in The Cupboard



1995's The Indian in the Cupboard is an adorable film! Based on the 1980 children's classic by Lynne Reid Banks, the story follows Omri, a little boy living in Brooklyn who receives a cupboard for his birthday and an Indian figurine from his friend Patrick.  His mom gives him a key from her key collection (who knew that was a thing!) and what do you know ... when he locks the Indian in the Cupboard he comes to life! Directed by Frank Oz, this movie has a lot of good life lessons including but not limited to, the lack of education and ignorance white people have or are taught about Native Americanas, having respect for other cultures, learning that people are not toys (even if they were toys at one point), and don't befriend a kid with a bowl cut named Patrick! We laughed, we cried, we jumped out of our seats (literally).