Large Marge Sent Us

200. Titanic



Big day in Large Marge Sent Us world ... we've reached 200 episodes! In honor of this gigantic milestone we watched TITANIC! From 1997, and starring everyone's favorite floppy haired hero, Leonardo DiCaprio, Titanic was THE MOVIE of the decade.  The world collectively cried when Leo's icicle encrusted dead body sank into the frigid Atlantic, bought the double VHS box set, and belted out My Heart Will Go On for a good solid year there.  This movie is hella long but still pretty good albeit stressful to watch.  We'll talk about all the to-do around this movie back in the late 90s, why James Cameron is kiiiiiiind of a dick, and all our favorite weepy parts of the film. Thanks again to all our fans keeping us "afloat" for the last 200 episodes! We love ya and couldn't have done it without you!