Large Marge Sent Us

199. Angels in the Outfield



After ponying up the cash for the DVD, we finally fulfilled a year long wish to watch Angels in the Outfield! Angels, from 1994, is the third movie in a trio of baseball movies for kids that came out in the early 90s! The world was crazy for baseball! Joseph Gordon Levitt stars as sweet baby faced Roger whose dead beat dad tells him they can be a family again once the California Angels win the pennant. Well Roger is a doer, and he prays immediately to God and says hey look help me out here, we need the Angels to win! Lo and behold God listens and actual angels come to turn the failing baseball team around, all the while increasing the team morale and attitude of the coach and players! GOD IS REAL. Haha. Okay maybe not and this movie might be hidden propaganda for the religious right, but it's awful cute and whoa look it's Tony Danza! Come listen as we chat about our favorite parts and favorite food at a baseball game, how JGL is the goober of the year, and how baseball really had its hey day in the 1990s and