Large Marge Sent Us

198. Andre (the Seal)



How could we not cover a movie named after our beloved Sweety?! Andre, from 1995, is based on a true story about a sweet harbor seal who gets adopted by a the family of the harbor master in Rockport, Maine. This is a real good feel good flick and one we remember fondly.  Was it just us or was the early 90s full of films about incredible animals and their somewhat unnatural connection to humans? Starring 90s child babe Tina Majorino and randomly Joshua Jackson in his post Mighty Ducks, pre Dawson's Creek cute boy glory.  We'll talk about the difference between sea lions and seals, how show and tell was a pretty cool thing in school, and we maybe have figured out that Sweety is actually Andre the Seal reincarnated! You won't want to miss it!