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Episode 191: Outbreak



Back in 1996, The Sweeties went on a family vacation with their cousins to New Hampshire.  During a trip to the video rental store, the OG Sweetie, Ron Dumas, thought it would be a great idea, instead of picking a family friendly pick, to make everyone watch Outbreak! It's supposed to be great, guys! And then we were all scarred for life trying to eat pepperoni pizza while people are bleeding out of their eyeballs! So you could say Outbreak holds a special place in the Sweetie Canon.  Starring a plethora of worthy 90s start, Dustin Hoffman, Cuba Gooding Jr., Rene Russo, Kevin Spacey, Donald Sutherland and Morgan Freeman, Outbreak teaches us a couple key lessons, mostly about governmental shadiness when it comes to biological warfare but our big take aways were do not kiss your boyfriend if they come off a plane bleeding from every orifice of their body! We'll talk about the sadness of joint custody for dogs, how there was quite a bit of disaster movies in the 90s that made us all terrified that a asteroid or