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188. Sister Act



Can we watch a movie featuring Whoopi Goldberg without loving it?!! I'm not so sure guys! Sister Act, from 1992, stars Whoopi at her Whoopiest. She plays Dolores Van Cartier, a lounge sinner in the biggest little city in the world, Reno! Poor Dolores sees her gangster boyfriend shoot his limo driver, and boom she's in the witness protection program in a place they will never find her ... a nunnery! As Sister Mary Clarence, she takes over the nun's choir and makes a modern, soulful changes and boom suddenly she's the nunnery MVP with everyone except Mother Superior, played by the always elegant Maggie Smith! This movie combines some of the Sweeties favorite things - singing, Whoopie Goldberg and nuns. I mean what is not to love! We'll talk about all our favorite movies with nuns in them (hint - how do you solve a problem like Maria?), what our nun name would be, and talk about how the Catholic Church needs to modernize ASAP. Pope Francis, can you hear us?!! Bonus we may or may not be starting a university call