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187. Cruel Intentions



Cruel Intentions from 1999 stars a bevy of 90s megastars in a retelling of the salacious French novel, Dangerous Liaisons.  Rich kids are so bored, they have to continually fuck with other people's lives to remain interested in their own! Wow, WISH we had that problem. Starring Ryan Phillipe, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Selma Blair, Joshua Jackson and a tiny bitty baby Reese Witherspoon this movie was the talk of the high school halls back in '99. From the girl on girl make out to the sweaty sex scene to a Counting Crows song (gah, so 90s) nobody could talk about anything else ... until the Blair Witch Project came out.  We'll talk about how we never really loved Ryan Phillipe, (we think it's the pube hair?), whether we think SMG is a good actress, and sing many rounds of Bittersweet Symphony, a song that we played on repeat for most of 1999.