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178. Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken



Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken was a Disney film from 1991, based on the true story of Sonora Webster Carver, who made a name for herself diving off a 40 foot platform into a 11 foot deep pool of water on a HORSE! The real kicker was ... she was blind! Crazy shit. This movie traces her life from poor, orphaned girl living with her aunt and albino sister in rural Georgia, to spitfire girl who will stop at nothing to be the next diving girl in Dr. Carver's famous side show act! Girls born in the 80s LOVED this film. I don't know if it was the horses, the fun 30s outfits, or the cute love story between Sonora and Al, but we were smitten kittens.  Join us as we talk about our love for 30s fashion and how we kinda wouldn't mind going back and time to live the Depression life, how Sonora is a bad ass and we love stories about spitfire independent gals who won't take no for an answer, and how the hell do you train a horse to jump off a platform into a pool of water!