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177. Se7en



1995's Se7ven is one creepy movie and one of Sweety's favorites! Directed by David Fincher and set in unknown city USA, which is crime ridden and dank, dark and depressing, Se7en follows two detectives, Somerset and Mills as they play cat and mouse with a vicious serial killer, set on exposing the sinful by preying on those who are committing the Seven Deadly Sins, i.e., Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Pride, Envy, and Wrath. This movie scared the FUCK out of us, not so much with its horror but with it's incredibly spooky sense of place and gross imagery.  Starring our pals,  Morgan Best Actor Ever Freeman, Brad Okay Actor Pitt, Kevin I'll Play Anyone Creepy Spacey, and Gwyneth Why Do People Hate Me Paltrow. We'll talk about how Sweety first got introduced to this film and why she loves it so hard, what we think of David Fincher's work in general, and Sweetie will go on a less than 10 minute rant of why she doesn't GET Brad Pitt.  What's in the box?? What's in the box?!!!!