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174. Mermaids



We're doing another movie with Cher, guys! 1990 brought us Mermaids, based on the book Mermaids, and starring 80s/90s darling Winona Ryder, baby Christina Ricci in her first film, Bob Hoskins and the woman that makes everything better, CHER.  This bildungsroman (fancy word time) or coming of age story about two kids getting towed around the country by their commitment phobic single mom, really stuck with us as kids, mainly because the VHS cover featured Cher dressed like a mermaid in a bathtub, but also for a particular sex scene in a lil ole belltower! Look, this movie has some problems (underage sex, drunk 7 year olds) but all in all it's a keeper! The clothes are great, the cars are great, and Winona is a nutter but we love her! We'll chat about nuns, what we think of the lead male hottie character, and try to think of our fake names on the fly. Sal Val!